2008.04.08 Depressed 胡言亂語 Tweet Lost my patient, lost my elegance. I feel tired and aimless. How could it be?? I just couldn’t help wondering, maybe I will not longer reach my goal…… and I will spend my whole life to regrat. So Scary!!!! 相關文章【無鋼圈內衣推薦】SiOHER熹歐禾韓系超舒服無鋼圈內衣,美到天花板但又好好穿、一整天都無束縛感【一家三口的外食攜帶餐具】健康於筷+日本燕三條飛機餐湯匙,讓我決定以後只用不鏽鋼餐具的契機【墾丁住宿推薦】馥蘭朵墾丁度假酒店,無微不至的貼心照顧與在地美食饗宴,親子旅遊大推PSST鋼鐵眼線液筆,不掉色脫妝,完整售後退換貨【Hair】拜託自然捲人買一把!太好用的POPRORO負離子無線電熱梳,睡糟的髮型3分鐘就能整齊出門!【韓國戰利品】Olive Young必買!Studio17刷具清潔皂,超好用超方便還很好收~【看屋日記】土城新濠岳,板南線起站捷運宅【COFIT 晚安舒眠包體驗心得】幫助生活節奏快現代人入睡的好夥伴不一樣的公廁!潔癖人必看:CAESAR抗菌廁所就在臺北捷運中山站
Girl, don't be so sad. Cheer up! Try to look bright side of the thing~ 版主回覆:(04/11/2008 05:36:09 PM) I'm trying….. Hope this would be periodically, not permanently. 回覆
Girl, don't be so sad. Cheer up!
Try to look bright side of the thing~
版主回覆:(04/11/2008 05:36:09 PM)
I'm trying…..
Hope this would be periodically, not permanently.