2008.04.08 Depressed 胡言亂語 Tweet Lost my patient, lost my elegance. I feel tired and aimless. How could it be?? I just couldn’t help wondering, maybe I will not longer reach my goal…… and I will spend my whole life to regrat. So Scary!!!! 相關文章【廚房好物】丹尼家超薄美型電磁爐,小宅必備極輕薄好收納的第二口爐子【韓國冬天怎麼穿?】超怕冷人12月韓國零度生存裝扮分享~千萬不要小看讓人差點失溫的首爾冬季【居家清潔好物】DUSKIN MAX!瞬效系列泡沫清潔劑,實測太神奇居然免刷洗就能清乾淨~【新家開箱】等了5年的預售屋終於入手,30坪正3房動工裝潢前先來記錄原始樣貌~【廚房好物】丹尼家電動研磨器,烹飪的優雅儀式感【美甲】新年不俗氣的紅色美甲推薦,板橋車站the Corner Nail Lounge【穿搭】Monotéte新包入手,有點法式可愛的時髦都會吐司方包、法棍包【家庭理財】2024年的回顧與展望,揹了兩個房貸的人生戰局開啟~PSST鋼鐵眼線液筆,不掉色脫妝,完整售後退換貨
Girl, don't be so sad. Cheer up! Try to look bright side of the thing~ 版主回覆:(04/11/2008 05:36:09 PM) I'm trying….. Hope this would be periodically, not permanently. 回覆
Girl, don't be so sad. Cheer up!
Try to look bright side of the thing~
版主回覆:(04/11/2008 05:36:09 PM)
I'm trying…..
Hope this would be periodically, not permanently.